A great cup of coffee! Full of flavor
Loved it - rich, hints of chocolate, almonds and honey. Slight citric acid at the end. Can't go back to normal coffee after drinking this. My favorite Mt. Whitney coffee.
Josh Jordan
Verified Buyer
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Brazil Cerrado - 12oz Bag
Coffee Details
Location: Brazil
Process: Natural
Varietal: Catuai
Grade: 88
Region: Cerrado
Cupping Notes: Nutty, peanut butter, melon, low acidity, balanced, smooth finish
Product Description
Brazil is the largest coffee producing nation in the world. However, much of the coffee produced is from low-grade machine harvested commercial crops, so in the ultra specialty coffee world, Brazil has a bad reputation. Luckily, this Cerrado breaks the mold.
Traditional, nutty, Brazilian flavor with low acidity makes this coffee a winner. Taste and see!™