Colombia Natural Laderas Del Tapias - 2lb Bag
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Colombia Natural Laderas Del Tapias - 2lb Bag



Coffee Details

Location: Neira, Colombia

Process: Natural

Elevation: 1950m

Varietal: SL-28

Grade: 89

Region: Caldas

Cupping Notes: Brown sugar, caramel, blackberry, grapefruit, Earl Grey

Product Description

From Joseph Wein, founder of Cereza Coffee:

"I met Rodrigo Pelaez about 4 years ago which coincidently coincided with the change in the Colombian Coffee Federation policies making natural coffee exportation more permissible. 
 Rodrigo was just beginning his natural process experiments, and we embarked on the journey together. We began working by experimenting with different processing parameters and methods, and we learned from a continuous feedback loop by cupping and sending samples to roasting partners in the US. After establishing parameters and a quantitative approach to processing naturals, which includes in cherry fermentations and silo drying intervals over the course of 2-3 weeks, I am proud to say that this is the most consistent and repeatable natural process I have seen in Colombia. 

 In addition to running his farm, Rodrigo is also a dentist in a near by city called Manizales, and he also writes a column about coffee in his local newspaper (La Patria). He is community minded, and he shares my passion for working with smaller coffee producers around Colombia. In November 2018 I attended a lecture that Rodrigo was invited to give at Harvard University about structuring supply chains to add value to producers.

 Rodrigo's farm was also 1 of 2 farms in all of Colombia that was selected by the FNC to plant an experimental genetic hybrid called Catiope (a cross between Colombian Castillo and select Ethiopian Heirlooms). It is a pleasure working with Rodrigo, and together we are consistently innovating and improving. I hope you enjoy the coffees!"