I was looking for coffee that provided the full flavor of the area from which it was produced. I found it here. Thank you Mt Whitney Coffee Roasters!
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Costa Rica Tarrazu - 5lb Bag
Coffee Details
Elevation: 4300 - 4500 feet
Varietal: Caturra
Grade: 88
Region: Costa Rica Tarrazu
Cupping Notes: Round berry, tropical fruit, brown sugar, citrus, mildly floral, elegant acidity, round body smooth finish.
Product Description
Santa Elena plantation covers 750 acres in the Tarrazu region. Located on volcanic soil with ideal pH. Shade grown under Poro, Eucalyptus and Cypress tress insures a slow growth producing complex flavors. Processed in their own mill first built in 1953 in unique wooden bottomed fermentation tanks.
The dry fragrance shows spiced fruit and with dark-sugar sweetness. The wet aroma smells fruit-forward, berry jams and fruited syrups, a resonant maple-sugar sweetness on the break. Fruited tones are also very tea-like, and the finish is clear and extremely smooth. Loaded with grape and dark berry notes, accents of candied citrus peel and roast complexity, and lasting, fruited-cocoa finish. A show stopper Costa Rica in the light to middle roast range.